Slovakia , Officially the Slovak Republic is a country in central Europe and the member of EU from 2004 and Bratislava of its Capital , 


The Slovak Republic is an IMO whitelisted country and Joined as Member State to the IMO Since 1993. The Slovakia Maritime Administration Office was established under Transport Ministry of Slovak Republic according to the Merchant Shipping Act 401 to regulate the Maritime Transport , formulation and implementation of the national policies and legislations to ensure the safety of life and ships at sea, development of Maritime industry, maritime education and certification, as per regulation of  I/2 ,


Slovakia Directorate of the Higher Institute for Maritime Studies is also Maintained by Slovakia Maritime Administration Office,  and  conducts all the maritime education, Training, examinations and issuing Diploma/ certificates for all grades of Marine Cadets and Officers or Engineers, 


The department is also responsible for ensuring the compliance of international conventions relating to maritime matters in accordance with the STCW 1978 as amended .



 Slovakia Maritime Administration ensure the Certificates authenticity through Online Database by following Verification facility 







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COC Online Verification

Seafarers Online Portal

Online Application and Obtainment of Certificate




List of Approved Academy


List of Filing Agent and Registrar




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